
P r o g r a m s
T e a c h e r s
A c a d e m i a
9 w a y s
S h a m a n i c
C o n n e c t


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9ways is committed to teaching and preserving the ancient sound traditions and indigenous ways of the world. Sound, Energetic and Medical practitioners, shamans, and musicians/composers come together to present a global teaching that spans the most ancient of traditional arts to contemporary science. Classes, workshops, and retreats are held yearly around the USA. Our programs examine the history, culture, and uses of these instruments for Vibrational and Psycho-Acoustical Therapy, Meditation, and Personal Transformation. Workshops are HANDS ON and give students the opportunity to interact with AUTHENTIC sound tools from the 4 corners of the world, many which are centuries old. And in many cases, pieces that have been forgotten or lost, and are now speaking again. Programs are highly academic, scientific, and spiritual in nature. Our blend of ancient Teachings, shamanic practices, practical scientific studies with sound and vibration, quantum physics, the latest advances in medical, biological, and psychological examinations; makes the 9ways programs the most complete learning experience. Our vast collection of sound tools from antiquity is one of the largest in the world, and surpasses most museum collections. A majority of our contemporary pieces that are used in the classes have been consecrated by Lamas, Shamans, and Priests. This is the real deal, do not confuse our presentations with other similarly advertised and promoted sound programs.

9ways has a comprehensive approach to presenting it's vast array of programs.

THE ACADEMIA: This is the academic sector, where our programs are presented to the public. Subjects are diverse, in depth analysis, in class and workshop form. We now offer Advanced Restricted programs for serious and devoted students.

9ways MYSTERY SCHOOL OF INDIGENOUS STUDIES: Is a invitation only program offered only to serious and involved students. Students will have access to programs not open to the public. A feature of this, is that students will be invited to attend lectures and workshops with visiting Lamas, Sages, Shamans, and Advanced Classes from the Academy's instructors.

To access our event and teaching schedule, view images of our programs, or learn more about sacred sound tools, navigate to the bottom of this page and click on the icons.

Click the ICON to go to the Next Page

2013 Program Schedule Website

Images from our Events

Sacred Sound Tools website