The 9ways Mystery School of Indigenous Studies has become an 'invitation only' program. After spending 2 decades presenting
unique and one of a kind programs to audiences in North America, the organization decided to move to a more serious mode of
study. First, what is a 'Mystery School'? Historically a Mystery School was simply a learning facility that was run by priests.
The Mystery Schools of Egypt, Greece, Babylon, India and so forth, were overseen by members of the Magi or Priesthood of those
cultures. In modern times the thought of a Mystery School has been clouded by new age innuendo, and great liberties have been
taken with the concept. Most of these so called Mystery Schools are run by mountebanks, self appointed, with no traditional
training whatsoever. They have intuited all this knowledge through intergalactic sources or unsubstantiated lineages. Since
the beginning of time, the inner traditions have stressed experience with knowledge, the only true path to wisdom. Over the
years many students have come to us through these benign programs, the one constant is that they have little or no accurate
knowledge, and nearly nil actual experience. That is why we now introduce our programs to students on a ' by invitation only
' criteria.

Mitch Nur, PhD demonstrates the Vietnamese monochord to students at the 9ways Sacred Sound Retreat |
